Jimmy Eddy and Hometown Bass Boys will be hosting the a Hometown Bass Boys Bass Tournament Saturday, June 26, 2021, from 6 am - 2 pm at the Cokeley Ramp at North Bend Lake.
Entry Fee is $30 per team and a $5 yearly membership per angler is required. The membership fee covers the entire season.
Registration will begin 1 hour prior to the tournament and last 50 minutes.
Payout to top three and big bass.
Must follow all local, state and federal laws.
1-2 person team catch and release paper tournament “no more than two people per boat.” Kayaks will be a one-main team.
All teams must have a video capable devise and a golden rule or other approved ruler “must be approved before tournament.”
Video of fish being measured and released is required for each fish. Measurements must be clear.
Team chip with team number must be present in the video. If you lose or forget to use your chip the fish will not count.
Every bass must be measured and immediately released. “Do not livewell.”
Five bass limit must be 12” or longer. We will use one-quarter scale. Maximum length measurement “bottom jaw must touch the front of the ruler.”
Winners will be ranked by total inches.
Ties will be decided by longest fish.
Livewells will be checked prior to launch..
No live bait.
One line per angler in the water at a time.
All weigh in results are final. “No adjustments.”
Hometown Bass Boys is not responsible for any accidents or damages.